The Conjurer's Almanaq July Update

July Update

Two quick items.

New Mailing List: With this update, we are switching to a mailing list so that the post-campaign backers from BackerKit will also get notified. If you gave us a different email address on Kickstarter than you did on BackerKit, you may get two copies. If this applies to you, simply unsubscribe from one of the email addresses. We would prefer it if you keep the email address which you used with BackerKit.

Obviously, you can unsubscribe if you want to, but that will mean you won't get our notifications. We promise not to spam you or give your email address to others.

Book Status: We just finished attending the National Puzzlers' League's annual convention in Milwaukee. After a week with plenty of puzzles and cheese combined with very little sleep, we're now getting back into finishing up the Almanaq. We are aiming for our next full-book test at the end of July / beginning of August. This should be full puzzle content but some of the production will be the original b&w art rather than the final color art.

The guest constructor puzzles for the bonus puzzle mini book (formerly a section in the main book) are also coming along. We're pleased with the variety of puzzles, a nice benefit of having guest constructors. We have most of the puzzles in house and we met with the constructors we're waiting on during the NPL convention. Since the mini book is printed separately, it doesn't have to go to production until after the main book.

We'll update you again after this round of test solving.

Thanks for your support!

Roy and Emily

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